
Friday, July 1, 2011

Reading Aloud Challenge: Week 2

Debra over at Footprints in the Butter has been hosting a Reading Aloud Challenge each week on her blog.  Last week was the first time I participated and thought I would try again today.  

Let me start by saying that I do not have any little ones in the house anymore.  I use to read several books aloud to my daughter each day.  Not so much anymore.  I still do read aloud to her, but she can be found at any given time, tucked away in a corner of the house reading to herself.  She does love when I read to her still, it is just not as often.

So, with that said, this week I am continuing to read aloud the same book as last week, Pocahontas and the Strangers.  I am only reading a chapter a day so it is going kinda slow.  Today we have to catch up so we'll read a few. 

I am also still reading aloud One Small Square: Seashore, which I talked about in my Weekly-Wrap Up last week. 

A book that that she is reading to herself and then telling me about (and sometimes reading parts to me) is called Capyboppy

This is a very fun and humorous book about a family who gets a capybara as a pet.  The pictures are cute and it's fun to see what silly trouble the capybara gets into.  

She will be finishing it today so I am looking forward to hearing how it ends. 

What have you been reading aloud this week?