
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Reading Aloud Challenge: Week 1

Debra over at Footprints in the Butter has been hosting a Reading Aloud Challenge each week on her blog.  Now that school is back in full swing, I thought it would be fun to participate.

This week I have been reading Pocahontas and the Strangers aloud.  At first I wasn't sure if I would enjoy this book, but I have to say, it is really good and keeps you wanting to read more to find out what will happen.  

To stay on schedule with Heart of Dakota, I am only reading one chapter a day.  Since they are short, it is hard to stop at just one. 

My daughter has read many of the Disney Fairies series on her own.  I'm not sure how many are in the series, but I can bet we own most of them.  Just for fun though, she has asked me to start reading them to her before bed.  

The series is cute and of course each fairy has his or her own personality.  The first one I read was Lily's Pesky Plant.  Lily, a garden talent fairy, finds a mysterious seed and plants it in her garden.  The end was even a surprise to me.  

The book she asked me to read next is called Vidia and the Fairy Crown.  Vidia is a fast flying talent fairy and selfish and mean to the others.  

I like her the least of all the fairies...possibly why I was asked to read about her next.  ;)  I've only read a little into the first chapter so I'm not sure how I will like it. 

What have you been reading aloud this week?