For 8 days only - June 27 through July 4th - customers will receive several patriotic freebies worth over $35! Click the picture above to get more info!
Deal #1:
- A One Year Print Subscription
- Teacher's Toolbox
- Access to all the TOS back issues
- Plus 4 vendor freebies
This is a value of $150.80 available for just $17.76!
Deal #2 :
- A Two Year Digital Subscription
- Teacher's Toolbox
- Access to all the TOS back issues
- Plus 4 vendor freebies
This is a $151 value yours for just $17.76!
Deal #3:
- The 2011-12 Schoolhouse Planner
- Useful Excerpts
- One Year Digital Subscription
- Teacher's Toolbox
- Access to all the TOS back issues
- Plus 4 vendor freebies
This is a $202.05 value yours for just $39!
Deal #4:
Spend $44 in the Schoolhouse Store and get all the July 4th freebies!