
Friday, June 24, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: Third Grade #2

We have officially finished our first week of third grade so here's a rundown of what we did in school this week:

History:  We continued to read about Christopher Columbus in A First Book in American History

We also read a couple pages in Journeys in Time about Columbus.  If you haven't seen this book yet, you need to check it out!  It includes beautifully colored pictures and maps and a two page spread for each time period.
Science:  We are now about half way through One Small Square: Seashore. 

We also completed two science experiments this week.  The first was to determine why some things float and some things sink.  We've done this one a few times in the past and it's always fun to find things around the house and guess what they will do.

The second experiment was to see what causes waves.  We learned that although the moon causes the tides, waves are created by the wind. 

Below is a notebooking page (not yet colored) showing animals who live on the shore and animals who live between the tides.  Hopefully we will get to go to the beach soon and see what we can find.

English:  I am really liking Beginning Wisely English 3 by Rod & Staff.  The lessons are very simple and effective and even within the first week we are learning new things.  Yesterday she learned how to diagram a simple two word sentence and today she was already diagramming larger sentences. 

I also like that many of the sentences are Biblical.  Not only do they get to work with sentences like "Mother hummed a tune", they also get "David won a great victory for Israel."

Spelling:  We finished day 7 of Sequential Spelling 1.  It is a different approach than we are use to and I'm willing to see how it goes for a couple months. 

Bible:  Last week we learned Proverbs 2: 3-5 along with the meaning of the word Persistence and this week we are learning Proverbs 11:2 along with the meaning of the word Humility.  I'll post more on these later.

For Fun:  We made homemade ice cream in a bag today and it turned out pretty good.  All you need is milk, sugar, vanilla, ice, and some rock salt.  Ten minutes later you have ice cream! 

Besides school, we had swim practice Monday through Thursday and had my daughter's friend over four out of five days.  Thankfully they play well together and had no problems.  :)

Tomorrow is our first swim meet for the season so wish us luck.  I think we have to be there at 7:30am and with the pool being about 45 min away, it will be an early morning (and a long day). 

Well, thanks for joining Our Homeschool Reviews and for more Weekly Wrap-Up, this week I am linked up with Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.