
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: More Swim Team

 Waiting for her heat

 Playing in the dirt (there is way more playing at the meets than swimming)

Reading what race is next on her leg (this one cracks me up)



  1. So cute! She recorded her races on her leg?

  2. Great Photos! My Daughter loves swimming and is also on a swim team :)

  3. She's so cute!! I love that she wrote her races on her leg...genius! :)

    WW: Princess Nagger Visits the Devonian Fossil Gorge

  4. Actually they all have to put their event number, heat, lane, and stoke on their arm or leg so if they are in the wrong place someone in charge can move them. I think it is more for the kids so they remember what they are! There are usually over 60 events. I think the pic is funny b/c she is next in line to swim, so not sure why she is reading it.

  5. That last photo is my favorite. "Don't have paper? No Problem!" Have a great WW!

  6. My daughter wants to be on a swim team, but nothing is available in our area. Looks like a lot of fun! and i love her looking on her leg for notes! =D

    Happy Wednesday!

  7. She looks so cute in her swim uniform! Hope she gave it her all and had a blast. :)

  8. Love the swim pics! The last photo is funny! I hope it's waterproof marker on their legs :) Thanks for sharing and clicked a vote for you! Happy WW!

  9. wow, a swim team at 8! next up the Olympics!


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