
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

BzzAgent Daily BzzCampaign: Star Wars

Today's Daily Bzz from BzzAgent is for the new Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray. 

Star Wars: The Complete Saga includes all six feature films, along with archives for each episode and documentaries, on nine disks.

The archives for each episode include deleted, extended and alternate scenes, prop, maquette and costume turnarounds, concept art, supplementary interviews with cast and crew, and much more

The Star Wars Documentaries include: 

* Star Warriors
* A Conversation with the Masters: The Empire Strikes Back 30 Yrs Later
* Star Wars Spoofs
* The Making of Star Wars
* The Empire Strikes Back: SPFX
* Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi
* Anatomy of a Dewback
* Star Wars Tech

So why should I be given the opportunity to review Star Wars: The Complete Saga?  Let me show you what surrounds me as I type at my computer.

Star Wars Movie Posters

Star Wars Toys

Star Wars Movie Scenes and Lightsabers

Hubby has been an avid Star Wars fan and collector since he was little and I'm not ashamed to admit that I now know much more about Star Wars than the average person.  ;)

And here is Funny Bunny just after she turned one.  We teach them early here.

Disclaimer:  This product has not yet been given to Our Homeschool Reviews.  I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own. If you would like to get involved in Daily Bzz Deals, join me and other members at BzzAgent.



  1. My boys are jealous of your hubby's collection. My husband wants to know when they are going to have a Bzz campaign for custom bass guitars. LOL

  2. Very cool! I hope you get to review it!

  3. Hope you get a chance;)
    I will promise you I won't try to get it so hopefully that's one less person competing for it;) lol
    Lizzie TOS Crew

  4. My husband and son would be right at home with your Star Wars collection.

  5. Thanks for everyone's encouragement. Still waiting to hear something...


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