
Monday, September 26, 2011

Dolphin Tale

If you were not lucky enough to catch Dolphin Tale during it's opening weekend, you absolutely have to go the first chance you get!

Just in case you didn't know, Friday, September 23rd was Homeschool Day.  Homeschool Day is a designated day where homeschooling families and groups from around the country gather at their local movie theater to support family friendly films.  This year the film picked was Dolphin Tale.  We went with about 20 friends in our homeschool group.

Dolphin Tale is a true story about a boy and the dolphin he found caught in a crab trap.  The dolphin, whose name is Winter, was saved, but she ends up losing her tail.  She finds a way to swim by moving her tail from side to side but this unusual movement starts causing damage to her spine.  They determine that the only way to save her is to build a prosthetic tail. 

This is such a feel-good family movie, but it's one that adults, as well as kids, homeschooled or not, will enjoy!  The young actress in the movie is actually homeschooled herself, both in real life and in the movie.  And the boy who is helping with Winter's rehabilitation, realizes (along with his mom) that he is learning so much more in this hands-on environment, than he ever will in the classroom. 

My brief explanation only touches the surface of this movie so you really need to go and see it for yourself...just make sure to bring some tissues.  ;)

If you would like to learn more about the Homeschool Movie Club, you can go here and you can also find them on Facebook.  Dolphin Tale is rated PG and you can read more about the movie and its rating at Kids in Mind.

You can also learn more about the real Winter at

Disclosure:  This product was not given to Our Homeschool Reviews, I just loved it and wanted to share my review of it with you.  I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own. 


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