
Monday, September 19, 2011

miscellany monday

Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters
 it is a beautiful day today so we had to get outside while it was still cool

less than two weeks ago we planted some vegetable seeds.  our garden is doing great and everything has spouted.  the squash and zucchini are doing the best on the left.  the cucumbers are in the middle.  the green peppers and carrots are just starting to sprout.

you would think it was spring here as the flower garden is doing well too.  we planted some butterfly weed on friday

the canna lily is going to bloom again very soon (maybe i'll have a picture for my ww)

and the crape myrtle got a few blooms this week



  1. amazing garden ... i could use a few tips on maintaining a garden ... i think all i can grow is sweet corn :) coming from miscellany monday link up!

  2. Beautiful Garden! Sooooo envious. Everything here has been nipped by frost and we know that the big frost is on its way. Sigh!

  3. Thanks. I have to give props to the MIL, who planted the flower garden with my dd. She is a great gardener! Thankfully the seeds have done well. I guess we'll find out in a few weeks if we end up getting anything.

  4. Beautiful! It looks like such a nice day, and all that green looks so inviting to me.

  5. I am envious of your beautiful lawn! Here in central Texas with our drought, my lawn is clinging to life!

  6. That does look like a beautiful day. Sweet, too, of your MIL helping make it pretty.

  7. It's so nice to see things green and blooming - and even nicer to see your funny bunny and mazie out enjoying the beautiful day!


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