
Monday, September 26, 2011

miscellany monday

Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters

i have to start out by saying that we saw dolphin tale with our homeschool group last friday and loved it!!  if you missed it, i wrote a post about it earlier today.

today started out kind of dreary, cloudy, and foggy but looks to be turning into a nice day.

saturday morning funny bunny and i went to some garage sales.  she brought along her money and found the board game below for just $1.  it has all the pieces and it in perfectly good condition.  we've played it several times already and she loves it!  what a find!!

i haven't really been on the computer since thursday so i have a lot of catching up to do...

dh has been super busy at work for the past several weeks, so if you are reading this, funny bunny and i miss and love you!!!  oh, and maisy moo too, she is off getting her haircut.  i'm sure she is having loads of fun...



  1. Kudos on staying off the computer that long. And we're dying to see Dolphin Tale. Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. We can't wait to see Dolphin Tales too. Glad you guys enjoyed it.

  3. I was off the computer all weekend, too--camping with my daughter and her Venturer Crew! I'm still getting feedback on Dolphin Tale, but hope to see it at some point.

  4. My DH had been super busy for days and into the weekend, too. Almost all of our communication was through texts. :(

    I was so glad he stayed home yesterday! I have heard nothing but good things about Dolphin Tale. I'm glad that you and your bunny got to see it together.


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