
Friday, September 16, 2011

Reading Aloud Challenge

Debra over at Footprints in the Butter has been hosting a Reading Aloud Challenge each week that I am participating in.

This week we I am continuing to read aloud Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder and John Audubon: Young Naturalist. 

We are only about two chapters into John Audubon and it begins by telling about his life as a child and his love of birds. 

It has already named many different types of birds and since today is a short school day for us, we are going to spend some time looking up the birds mentioned and drawing them. 

I also want to tell you about another book I started reading aloud this week called Carving Angels by Diane Tolley. 

Diane blogs at On the Border, which is where I "met" her many months ago.  I absolutely love reading her stories about growing up on a ranch in Southern Alberta.  I've found myself cracking up at most of them and have let Funny Bunny read some too. 

Carving Angels is about an elderly and blind elf and former chief carver of Santa, who has given up all hope.  His youngest grand-daughter reawakens his spirit though and they work together on something that will change their community forever. 

We are only two chapter into the book, but we are both loving it so far.  We can't wait to find out what will happen!!

So that is it with us.  What have you been reading aloud this week?


  1. We want to start the Little House series again, maybe when we return home.

  2. I am going to add Carving Angels to my book list. Sounds neat!

  3. Lots of great reads going on. I'm going to check out Carving Angels. Sounds wonderful.

  4. You've been reading some interesting books! :)

  5. It's such a good thing for you and your Funny BUnny - to be reading together. My boys still enjoy our read alouds, and I hope they will for a long time.
    Carving Angels sounds fun!

  6. You guys! This week is awful... I'm adding so many books to my wish list... because, of course, Carving Angels is not at my library. Yes. I already checked.

    Okay, it is my own fault for doing this, huh?

    Thanks so much!!


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