
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

TOS Crew Not-Back-To-School-Blog Hop

Crew Blog Hop
The TOS Crew is having another Blog Hop and this time it is a Not-Back-To-School Blog Hop.  But the best news is that this Blog Hop is not just limited to Crew members.  If you are a homeschooler and have a blog and you would like to join in, you can link up too.

Here are the guidelines:

1. Grab the Blog Hop button and spread the word.

2. Please follow the four wonderful hosts – Marine Corps Nomads, Faith, Family, and Fun, Training Children up for Christ, and Families Again as well as the 2 blogs in front of your link.

3. Please link directly to your blog hop post. The theme for this month is Not-Back-To-School.

4. Please do not link up your giveaways, blog hops, etc. (These will be deleted.)

Link up your blog, visit and follow the blogs that interest you and have fun getting to know the 2011-2012 TOS Crew as well as the other participating homeschoolers.

You only need to add your link to one linky for it to show up on all participating blogs. Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...

Past Crew Blog Hops:

August 2011 - Getting to Know You

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