
Friday, October 14, 2011

I'm a Thirty-One Consultant!!

My big news this week is that I am a new Thirty-One Independent Consultant!!  I've been buying Thirty-One products for years now and this has been on my mind for a while.  For the past couple months I have been talking with friends and praying about it and now God has blessed me with this opportunity!

So what is Thirty-One?  Well, the name Thirty-One comes from Proverbs 31.  It is about the virtuous woman and how women take on so many roles.  Thirty-One's motto is to Celebrate, Encourage, and Reward. 

Why did I join Thirty-One?  First of all, I have to say that I have never done anything like this before, so it was a big step for me.  But I love their products and after much thought and prayer, I took the opportunity.

I just had to share my news with everyone!  I hope you can join me in my excitement and pray for my nerves.  ;) 

Here is my website if you are interested and want to take a peek. 

I am planning on hosting an online Thirty-One party in November so I hope you can join me then!


  1. Congrats! I love 31 so good luck!

  2. I love 31! Their products are awesome. You are going to have such a good time with this.

    On another note, you have probably seen the blogging "awards" circulating. I have awarded you one - The Versatile Blogger. Your blog always blesses me and I wanted to share it with others who may not have found you yet. For more information about the award, go to: Thank you for sharing yourself! Smiles -

  3. Amy, thanks for nominating me...and thanks for your kind words. I love reading your blog as well!


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