
Monday, October 31, 2011

Lesson Planning?

The Blog Cruise question this week is: What does lesson planning look like in your homeschool?

Would it be bad to say that I don't really plan out our lessons??  I do plan out the curriculum for the year though, and the curriculum I choose plans the lessons for me.  :) 

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that I use Heart of Dakota.  This year we are using Bigger Hearts for His Glory.  One of the many things I love about this curriculum is that everything is planned out for me.  All I have to do is open the book and read what comes next.  Each day is a two page spread. 

{Click to enlarge}

Since a few of the subjects we use are different from what Heart of Dakota recommends, I don't follow every box.  For those other subjects, I just place a tab where we left off in the book and start there next time. 

Below is an example of what I lay out each day.  This is the school work for today {and now I can see I forgot to add her Latin...oops}. 

As Funny Bunny completes a subject, I log it on her weekly planner sheet and set it aside.

So that is a quick peek into how our lessons are planned.  How do you plan your lessons?


1 comment:

  1. This looks great...and so easy. Sometimes I think it would be simpler to just use a curriculum that has it all planned out for me. I looked for a long time at HOD at my last convention and it looked wonderful...maybe I'll take another look at it for next year!


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