
Monday, October 17, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - October 17

I won't be meal planning this week, but I did want to post a recipe from E-mealz.  I reviewed E-mealz last week {you can see my post here} and received their permission to post a couple recipes.  I'll post another next week as well.

Simple Roast Chicken, Green Beans, and Rice Pilaf

3 - 4 lb whole chicken
(1 t salt, 1 t pepper)
(1 t paprika)
1 onion, quartered
(2 stalks celery, cut into 3" pieces)
(2 garlic cloves)
(2 bay leaves)
(Aluminum foil)
1 can green beans
1 box rice pilaf

Rinse & dry chicken. Mix salt, pepper & paprika; sprinkle over chicken and in body cavity. Place onion, celery, garlic & bay leaves in the cavity. Tie legs together, lift wing tips over the back & tuck under. With breast side up, place on broiler pan coated w/ cooking spray & bake @ 400 for 1 hr or until thermometer in thigh reads 180. Tent w/ foil & let rest 10 min before serving. Discard vegetables, bay leaf & garlic. Reserve ½ of chicken for another meal.  Heat green beans on stovetop or in microwave. Cook rice pilaf according to pkg directions.

What recipes do you have for the week?


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