
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Menu Plan Monday (on Tue) - Oct 25

After being gone for a week we are trying to get back into the swing of things.  Here are some dinners that we have planned for the week.

Oh, and  I reviewed E-mealz a couple weeks ago {you can see my post here} and received their permission to post a couple recipes.  So you will find one below.

Dinner 1: EZ Slow Bake Burritos

Dinner 2: Dressed Up Chicken Soup

Dinner 3: Oriental Ribs, Steamed Rice, and Green Beans

Oriental Ribs, Steamed Rice, and Green Beans

2 lb pork spareribs
1 c soy sauce
1 c brown sugar
t pepper
4 jalapeno peppers
½  c water
White rice, as needed

Place ribs in crock-pot. Combine soy sauce, brown sugar, pepper, whole peppers & water; pour over ribs. Cook on low for 8 hrs.  Turn ribs over 30 min before done to cover both sides in sauce. Remove peppers before serving.  Save ½ of meat for another meal.  Prepare rice as directed on pkg. Serve ribs and juices over steamed rice.  Heat oil in skillet at med temp & sauté green beans until tender, about 10 min. Season with salt & pepper.

What recipes do you have for the week?  For more recipes or to link up, click the picture at the top.



  1. Thanks for the recipe from EZ Meals. I have wondered about trying them out, and glad to see your experience was good.
    I found you through NOBH.

  2. You are so welcome. We haven't tried that one yet, it will be dinner Thur night. We did try the EZ Slow Bake Burritos though and everyone loved them!


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