
Monday, October 10, 2011

miscellany monday

Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters
today is the 5th day of intermittent raining.  this morning around 3am i was awake listening to the worst of it.  i'm just thankful it was not during the morning commute for hubby. 

if it rains again later today, the plan is to get on the galoshes and raincoat and play in the puddles.  :)

since it is wet and icky out, and hubby is working, we'll take this columbus day to...ready for school!  funny bunny is thrilled, as you can imagine!

is sooooo excited about our upcoming trip to virginia!!!  we'll be visiting williamsburg and jamestown and possibly yorktown if we have time.  we've been studying american history so this trip is perfect and we are hoping the weather will be nice!  i'll be sure to post all about it when we get back.

funny bunny created a lego sculpture of ancient ruins for the lego quest kids challenge this week.  the challenge was make whatever you wanted but to use only 2x2 bricks. 



  1. How about you send some of that rain here, and I'll send you some beautiful sunny skies? We could use the rain. ;)

    Have fun in VA! We always had a blast at Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown. Living history is always fun. :)

  2. Bummer on the rain. The last 5-6 days have been blessedly rain-free until today. Wah! lol


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