
Friday, October 28, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: Third Grade #13

Since getting back home from our trip to Colonial Williamsburg, we are still not back into a perfect school routine.  So I thought I would show you some pictures of the various occupations we saw.  Depending on the occupation, you train as an apprentice for between four and seven years.

The Blacksmith

The Gunsmith

The Shoemaker

The Bindery

The Wigmaker

The Silversmith

The Milliner

The Cabinet Maker

The Glass Blower (this was in Jamestown)

The Cooper

The Cook

So how was your week?



  1. Please consider linking up to the Field trip hop:)

  2. Wow, great pictures. I've always wanted to go there. Hopefully we will be able to sometime soon.

  3. Neat, we went to Virginia this past spring break, but didn't have time to go there - it's on my list still!!

  4. That looks like an amazing trip!

  5. Fabulous pictures! I so want to go there.

  6. Williamsburg is still on my list of must-see field trips! Great pictures!

  7. Love the pictures! We were just there last May:) Definitely one of our favorite trips!

  8. We had such a fun time! We all want to go back again...I just wish it was closer!


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