
Friday, November 4, 2011

2011 Gratitude Challenge - Nov 4

For the month of November, I'll once again be participating in a Gratitude Challenge hosted by Brenda at Garden of Learning.  Each day I'll try to post something I am thankful for.

Today I'm thankful for...birthday wishes, awesome presents (like the one below), another reminder of God, and finding a hidden stash of Splenda for my morning coffee in the kitchen pantry. 



  1. Love that it has a kinda retro look to it.

  2. Birthdays rock. Of course, I'm done having them cuz the next one is BIG!

    God Bless.

  3. Those are great things to be thankful for! Especially the cup with coffee and splenda in it... :-)

  4. Love the coffee cup! And, I'm seriously enjoying this particular meme again this year.


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