
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: Third Grade #14

Between vacations and field trips, we have either been out of town or out of the house on Fridays, so I haven't posted a Weekly Wrap-Up in a few weeks. 

Last I posted, we finished Unit 11 in Bigger Hearts for His Glory.  As of today, we have finished Unit 14 - At the Time of the American Revolution.  Here are some highlights:

In Science I finished reading aloud John Audubon: Young Naturalist, which Funny Bunny really enjoyed.  She likes to bird watch and does a great job drawing birds as well.

This week we started reading One Small Square: Woods, which I think is the perfect book for the time period.

In History, Funny Bunny learned about Washington's early years.  We especially liked his 110 Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior.  We saw this book in several of the book stores in Williamsburg and thought many of the rules were very silly.  :)

She also learned about how transportation has changed over the years. 

All other subjects are moving along nicely. I'm especially happy with Rightstart Math D.  I've mentioned before about Funny Bunny's struggles in level C, but this year has been much better.  I am taking it a bit slower and we just finished up with lesson 49.  Most of the lessons are review, but that is great because I am hoping by the end of 3rd grade she will have a solid grasp of all her multiplication tables. 

She is reading The Indian in the Cupboard, to herself, which she is enjoying, and we are reading aloud Rabbit Hill, which I wrote about here.

I wrote about our trip to Williamsburg here and here and we also took a camping trip to the beach last week, which was very windy and chilly. 

I think that covers most of the past few weeks.  Thanks for joining Our Homeschool Reviews and for more Weekly Wrap-Up, this week I am linked up with Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

1 comment:

  1. Such fabulous drawings!!!

    Such fun traveling. We live near Williamsburg and I'm anxious for them to start decorating for Christmas so I can take some pictures.


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