
Friday, November 18, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: Third Grade #15

Last week we finished Unit 14 ~ At the Time of the American Revolution and and this week we finished Unit 15 ~ Battles During the Revolutionary War in our Heart of Dakota book, Bigger Hearts for His Glory.


Read Aloud:  Rabbit Hill
Independent:  The Indian in the Cupboard
Science:  One Small Square: Woods


Funny Bunny read about the battle between British General Cornwallis and American General Washington.  Cornwallis had backed Washington against the frozen Delaware River but Washington used initiative to outsmart Cornwallis and snuck around him to Princeton. 


Funny Bunny has started using Artistic Pursuits.  The lessons are simple and to the point and I'll be telling you more about it in my upcoming review.  For now, here is FB's drawing from Lesson One.


Each year we participate in Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan Purse.  This year FB packed her shoebox and we dropped it off on Thursday.  You have to check out the video at the above link of Scotty McCreedy packing a shoebox.  He was FB's pick on American Idol so she was excited to watch it.  :)


  1. Love the shoeboxes, and blessing others like that! Also, have to say, Love the Snoopy pants! Haha. Huge Snoopy fans over here! Stopping by from the Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers Link-Up. You can find me at

  2. Love the map and drawing! She's did a GREAT job on them!

  3. We love packing the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! It's definitely one of our favorite things to do every year:)

  4. Yeah, shoe boxes! We had fun helping at the local collection site this week.

  5. Wonderful week!! Shoeboxes are one of our favorite Christmas traditions too.

  6. Good job on the drawing!
    Lizzie TOS crew


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