
Monday, January 9, 2012

Math in Our Homeschool

Homeschooling Hearts & Minds

Susan at Homeschooling Hearts and Minds is hosting a Virtual Curriculum Fair for January.  Each Monday a new theme will be introduced that concentrates on a field of study.

Jan 2 - Playing with Words: the Language Arts
Jan 9 - Discovering Patterns: Math, Logic, and Science
Jan 16 - Exploring Our World: Social Studies and more Science
Jan 23 - Seeking Beauty: the Arts
Jan 30 - The Nuts & Bolts: Pulling it all Together

Our Homeschool Reviews will be one of the many blogs participating {about 30 all together}!!  Today I'll be talking about Math!

Funny Bunny's 3rd Grade Math at a glance:
Rightstart Math D
Evan Moor Daily Word Problems 3
Life of Fred

Funny Bunny has struggled on and off with math for several years now.  Some moments are happy and things are easy but we have had many, many frustrating days!  My one word of advice with dealing with math and a struggling child is PATIENCE!  I went way too fast through 2nd grade math and there were many tears.  If I would have just slowed down I think things would have gone a lot better.  I almost switched curriculums altogether, but decided to give Rightstart one more try.

We have been using Rightstart Math since PreK.  I wanted something different from the math I learned in school.  Rightstart is not for everyone though.  We like it but it is very teacher intensive, so if you have several children on different levels, it may not work for you.  On the other hand, if your child enjoys games and manipulatives, it may be the perfect thing!  Funny Bunny is working in Level D right now, and I have slowed down the pace, so she will take a year and a half to complete this book. Below is a sample page.

Last year I reviewed Even Moor's Daily Word Problems 2 and we loved it so this year I bought level 3!!  Just one word problem a day, that is it!!  It is simple but makes them think.  I would highly recommend these workbooks.

Lastly we use Life of Fred.  And, oh my word, we LOVE Life of Fred!!  I don't really know how to explain these books, other than saying they are about the life of a boy named Fred and his adventures.  They recently came out with an elementary series, which is what we are reading through.  I don't know if the series is as funny as the books get harder, but we are enjoying them now.  You can find all the information you ever wanted to know here.  We started at the beginning with Apples and are now reading through Butterflies.  They are below Funny Bunny's level in math right now, but I wanted her to enjoy them so she will want to continue.  We just use them as a supplement, but I am told they could be used as a full math curriculum.  And your child will learn so much more than just math!!  Below is a sample.

So that is what has worked for us in Math so far!  Thanks for visiting!! 

** All participants in this Virtual Curriculum Fair will be posted below as they link up!! ** 


Math Lapbooks---Virtual Curriculum Fair Week 2 Angie Wright @ Petra School
Virtual Curriculum Fair Week Two: Discover Patterns, Mathematics, Logic and Some Science by Leah @ The Courtney Six Homeschool
Our Choices For Math by Melissa @ Grace Christian Homeschool
A Magnificent Math Manipulative by Letha Paulk @ justpitchingmytent
Our Math Choices - Virtual Curriculum Fair by Tristan @ Our Busy Homeschool
Math Literature?!?! by Christine @ Crunchy Country Catholic
Learning Math at My House by Jessica @ Modest Mama
Math Using Hamburger Paper by Debbie @ Debbie's Digest
Math Facts or Fun? Why Not Both! by Beth @ Ozark Ramblings
Heart of Dakota- The Fine Details- Part 2 Science by Lynn @ Ladybug Chronicles
Learning Math Block by Block by Laura O in AK @ Day by Day in Our World
Plugging Along with Math by Cindy Horton @ Fenced in Family
What's Working and What's Not: Math Edition by Leann @ Montessori Tidbits
Math Anyone? by Cindy @ For One Another
Ahh, Math. by Nicole @ Schooling in the Sun
Flying Without a Parachute: Math with no Curriculum by Pam @ Everyday Snapshots


  1. Great post, thank you for sharing with the Virtual Curriculum Fair. ;0)

  2. Thanks so much for sharing with NOBH...
    ~Kara @ The Chuppies


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