
Friday, January 20, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: Third Grade #17

This week we finished Unit 18 ~ Robert Fulton and the First Steamboat in our Heart of Dakota book, Bigger Hearts for His Glory.


We are still reading the same three books, and although Funny Bunny is only supposed to only read a chapter a day in Toliver's Secret, she loved it so much she finished it today.  I think we have a book about Daniel Boone that I may slip in for next week since she finished early.  :)

Read Aloud: Concord Cunningham: The Scripture Sleuth
Independent: Toliver's Secret
Science: One Small Square: Woods


Learning about how plants and funguses grow differently and have different purposes, as does everything in the woods.

Dance / Piano

Funny Bunny is still taking four dance classes a week, along with 30 minutes of piano.  She is enjoying them all {although ballet is not her favorite anymore because they have to stretch so's almost like actual!}

She has a piano recital in two weeks that she is excited about.  Her and her teacher will be playing two songs together.  I have only heard them play together through a closed door, so I am really looking forward to the recital!

Community Bible Study

We are still participating in CBS each week and studying Luke.  The women in the program are great, especially the teachers, and the children in the classes so sweet!  They all get together so nicely and I love to see them grow together, both in friendships and in Christ.

{She loves drawing pictures for each lesson}


We found this little guy {or gal} on the inside of our screen today.  Funny Bunny saved him and placed him on one of our trees.  The weather here has been changing daily, some days have been close to freezing and others, like today, have been gorgeous.  The high today is in the low 70's and we are enjoying it with the windows open. 

So how was your week?  Thanks for joining Our Homeschool Reviews and for more Weekly Wrap-Up, this week I am linked up with Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.



  1. I remember when I spent the bulk of my time at the dance studio and I remember disliking ballet for the very same reason. LOL

    We really enjoyed Toliver's Secret when we read it a couple years ago. My daughter finished early too. LOL

  2. Both my girls have ballet two nights a week - and of course it's not the same two nights! That means four nights a week at the studio. Next year they'll have class on the same night, but not at the same time - so that will mean 3.5 hours at the studio, twice a week. Oh well - ballet has been SO good for both of them!

  3. Your daughter's science notebook looks great!

    Sounds like a great week:)

  4. I look forward to reading about your use of Bigger Hearts. We just started this week and it's fun to see what's coming up!


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