
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Welcome - Ultimate Blog Party 2012

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

Welcome and thanks for stopping by!  The 2012 Ultimate Blog Party is about to begin!  This is my second year participating and I'm so excited!!

The Ultimate Blog Party is hosted by 5 Minutes For Mom.  Thousands of blogs will be linking up and there will be tons of great prizes given away!  So click the link and join the fun!

But before you go, let me tell you a little about myself, my family, my blog, and my giveaways!

My name is Christine, owner of Our Homeschool Reviews.  I'm a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom to one wonderful, nature loving, animal caretaking, story writing, book reading daughter.  She goes by Funny Bunny is 8 1/2 and finishing up 3rd grade.

I've been married to my husband for almost 12 years.  He's supportive of our homeschooling and we are very thankful for that!!

We have one dog, Maisy, a 7-year old Miniature Schnauzer.  She and our daughter are best buddies and she is most definitely part of the family!!

I started this blog back in May of 2010 as a way to post curriculum reviews for the TOS Homeschool Crew.  Now, almost 2 years later, I still love to review homeschool curriculum, but also enjoy reviewing anything family-friendly, hosting giveaways, or just talking about things homeschool related and our daily lives

If you are looking for some GIVEAWAYS, I am running the following:

250 Customized Stickers from PrintRunner - ends 4/15 
WorldWide Dessert Contest Interactive Book - ends 4/17
The 5 Love Languages of Children - ends 4/26

Oh, and I'm also a Thirty-One Consultant!  So if you are interested in ordering or want to hear more about the new consultant incentive, please contact me.

If you like what you see, please leave a comment and follow via GFC if you would like.  I also have a Facebook page, Twitter Page, and am on Pinterest.  If you have a blog or Facebook page, let me know and I'll stop by as well. 

Thanks again for visiting and enjoy the blog party!!



  1. Stopping by from the UBP - do you have any recommendations for preschool materials to really make sure my girly is strong in your letters and numbers?

  2. Hi.... I come for the party ^___^ I found your site from UBP 2012. Hope you come to my party post too, While you are there, feel free to enter our current giveaway (few of them in cash). Thank you.

    Juliana RW

  3. Stopping by from the UBP- your blog is great- lots of good homeschooling info!!
    Hope you can stop by and visit us too and join us for the GHQ 2012 (a FREE fun event with great prizes)-

  4. I have a Schnauzer too. I love Schnauzers.

    Stopping by from UBP to say hello.
    Have a great weekend!

  5. Stopping by from the UBP! What a wonderful blog you have!

  6. Very nice to meet you, I will be paying much more attention to ypur opinionms and reviews, but now im off to party! Compliments on your effort - both homeschooling- and blog vise...

  7. Hello there! I'm a new follower from Milk and Cuddles! I found you through #UBP12 and cant wait to read more! Nice to connect with ya:)

  8. Not a new follower but love stopping by here. :) Stopped by through the UBP 12 and following you everywhere I think.. :) LOL It honestly is so nice to see another mommy of an only child homeschooling. we are few and far between :) Looking forward to more!

  9. Funny Bunny - so cute!!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  10. it is great to meet you Christine! :) I am also Christine and we are homeschoolers too. But we come from the Philippines! :)

    See you around!


  11. I found you from UBP and am so glad I did. When my kids are old enough we will probably homeschool and I'm starting my research now for different curriculums!

  12. Christina - - Love your site! Next year I hope to have a blog of my own (reviewing books and films). Happy UBP 2012!

  13. Joining the party! My husband was home schooled his whole school career and I was home schooled for 1 year (thats actually how we met) and we plan to home school our little guy, so I find your site to be fantastic!
    Come by and visit my blog

  14. Good afternoon! Stopping by from UBP. You have a lovely family. Thirty-One products are cool. Will have to get a hold of you one of these days when I'm ready to order more of their stuff.

  15. Stopping by to say hi & thanks for stopping by our party post :)

  16. Cute blog! Thanks for stopping by during UBP 2012!


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