
Monday, May 14, 2012

5 Days of Homeschooling An Only Child


Many of you know that I am finishing up my second year with the TOS Homeschool Crew {and I'm happy to share that I'll be starting my third year next month}!

From time to time my crewmates and I participate in fun things like blog hops and cruises together.  Well, today I am excited to announce that The Homeschool Crew is pleased to bring you . . .

5 Days of  . . .  Blog Hop 
5 days, 65 bloggers, 325 blog posts

Sixty-five bloggers will be writing every day for 5 days on topics from adoption to character training to curriculum evaluation to literature...many more than I could list. To see all of the topics, just click the banner above.  Before you do though, stick around to read more about my topic . . .

I figure I am somewhat of an expert since I homeschool...and have just one child.  ;)  Of course half of the time I feel like I am just flying by the seat of my pants, but I do hope that this series will be encouraging.

Back when we first started talking about having children we weren't thinking we would only have one, and we certainly didn't think we would homeschool.  It wasn't until Funny Bunny was about 18 months old that homeschooling even became a thought.

Homeschooling an only child is just as rewarding and wonderful as homeschooling a house full of children.  We have unique challenges, I'm sure, but I wouldn't change a thing. 

If you have just one child you homeschool or if you are thinking about homeschooling an only child, I would love for you to follow along with me this week.  And if you are on the fence about it, I hope I can be helpful.  I'll be touching on schooling at home, socialization, fitting in, and just plain having fun!



  1. I, too, homeschool an only child. And I am very excited about this week! She is finishing up Kindergarten and going into 1st soon and I can tell from this year that I am going to need all the good advice and info I can get! :) We have had a lot of fun and I learned enough this year that next year will be even better. However, I do want to make sure that I do not miss something important that she would get naturally from having siblings. Thank you for sharing with us!

  2. Jamie, thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you can be encouraged to continue with homeschooling. It is such a blessing. :)


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