
Thursday, September 28, 2017


What I really want to say is that I love all the precious kids that I'm teaching at VIPKID!!! I've started an Instagram account just for VIPKID and will be posting fun stories, tips, and reward ideas there daily instead of here. It's at VIPKID.Teacher.Christine or  Below are a few of the things I have shared so far.

Below is a screen shot of the fourth class I taught. At the end of class she wrote I ♥ Y on the slide. How sweet is that?!!

Here is a drawing from another little girl who prepared it for the class on family. She showed me photographs of her mom, dad, two sisters, and brother and this drawing of her grandma and grandpa.

This little guy was cracking me up! He was very active toward the end half of class and his mom was sitting off screen right next to him. I would see her arm from time to time trying to settle him down. He took off his sock to show me so I added it in the lesson and had him tell me what it was. He is my first student to re-book with me, so that is super exciting!!

This little girl was showing me her stuffed Dino. I had put the hat on the Dino behind me as a reward and she was putting a pretend hat on her Dino.

If you want to learn more about VIPKID, you can see my two others posts about how homeschoolers can teach at VIPKID and what is VIPKID.

If you are interested in starting the application process, you can you my link here. See you in the classroom!

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