
Monday, January 16, 2012

We Choose Virtues Review


Isn't that a great name?  We continually work on virtues in our home, and have for many years.  We talk about right from wrong and look up Bible verses that correspond.  It can be very hard work!  For us, Funny Bunny has known the rules and the right things to do for many years, she just has a hard time consistently following some of them.  Some are easy for her, but then others are quite challenging.

We Choose Virtues was created by Heather McMillan, out of her love for children and her desire to see them reach their personal potential.  As a preschool teacher and a children’s pastor, it concerned her how often she came across children whose lack of self control, honesty and perseverance was almost debilitating.  How could they succeed in life without the skills that come from good character?

PhotobucketWe Choose Virtues offers a great assortment of products and we were lucky enough to get one of their brand new products called Virtue Clue Cards

Included in a plastic carrying pouch with a velcro button closure, are 13 brightly decorated cards.  These cards are the perfect size to fit in a purse and take with you wherever you go.  They feature The Virtue Kids, their names, the Virtue catchphrase and antonyms, and on the back a "You can do it" challenge.

The virtues included are:  Attentive, Content, Gentle, Obedient, Diligent, Forgiving, Honest, Kind, Helpful, Patient, Perseverant, and Self-Controlled.

In addition to the cards, we also received the Family Character Assessment and Kids Memory Verses, Bible Heroes, and Truths, which are both FREE on their make sure you go and check those out!!

We also received the Kids of VirtueVille Coloring Book and Teacher's Handbook, which are both available on their site for purchase as downloads. 

The Handbook is especially helpful in implementing the We Choose Virtues products, and includes 4 Simple Steps for Teaching Virtues and 9 Inspiring Tools for Teaching Virtues.

Although we only received the Virtue Clue Cards, We Choose Virtues has complete kits for the classroom, family, homeschool, and church.  The products we received, as well as many others, are geared toward early elementary, but they do have products for teens as well.

If you are having trouble picking the right product for your family, the Product Comparison Chart is helpful!

My Thoughts:  I think these cards are a great tool to use for young children.  They are colorful and bright, the children featured on each card are cute, and they sayings are catchy.  Since only one virtue is featured per card, it is easy to work on one card a week or month.  Funny Bunny will be turning 9 in May, so I wasn't sure what she was going to think when I showed them to her.  I was pleasantly surprised.  She enjoyed trying to guess each child's name before turning it over to see what it was.  I think she is at the age where she thinks they are kinda silly, but in a fun way.  We will be using them...working on the "Obedient" card first!  ;)

Thoughts of an 8-Year Old:  I like Virtue Cards because they are silly.  They also rhyme - Perseverant, Penny Jenny.  Fun pictures come with each card, like Penny Jenny.  The card pictures give clues of the name, like Penny Jenny holds a penny!  Right now we're working on Obedient.  Oboe Joe knows I can do it!

Find Out More:  You can find out more at We Choose Virtues and on their Facebook page.  The Virtue Clue Cards we received are only $5.99 (down from $7.95).  Now through the end of February, the 100 Days of Virtue Poster and Stickers will be included FREE with any Homeschool Kit purchase.  The following coupon codes are also available {only one at a time can be used}:  VIRTUE15 for 15 % off your total purchase and SHIPFREE for free worldwide shipping.

My Crewmates are also reviewing We Choose Virtues, so you can check out what they think HERE.


Disclosure:  This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the products to the vendor.  I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own. 


  1. What great virtues to teach! It sounds like a great company!

  2. ive thought about buying those several times. the items and company look wonderful!! xoxo

  3. We work on virtues too through KONOS unit study curriculum. I love it because each character trait is studied through a variety of other topics that reinforce the trait. Scripture is always the basis for each trait. So important. Thanks for sharing about this curriculum. I found you at NOBH.

  4. These cards sound wonderful.

    Thank you for sharing this information.

    I'm a new google + follower.


  5. This looks like a fantastic company and the cards are great! I love your blog and wish I had found it 6 months ago when I started homeschooling my daughter! Thanks for all of the wonderful information! I will be visiting often!


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