
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Yesterday totally got away from me and I wasn't able to make my usual Monday morning post.  So what is going on this week to make it ever so crazy?

*  Yesterday we drove to our local county fair and entered some of Funny Bunny's art projects into the Youth Art Show.  We also stayed for a few hours to help take in projects.

*  Today we are supposed to be meeting at the park to donate spoons to a friend for children in Haiti.  It is a beautiful day and we have the best of intentions on going, but not sure we will make it...we'll see.

*  Funny Bunny has been working on memorizing her lines for a church play she will be in next month.

*  She is also trying to memorize lines for a Wax Museum she will be taking part in this Thursday evening.  She will be Mary Chilton, a child who was on the Mayflower.  Her and daddy have also been working on a Mayflower display since the weekend. 

*  Something unexpected happened last night, so Funny Bunny and I are both now working on a project that we started back in December and left unfinished.  I'm hoping it will be ready to share with everyone this week.

*  We both have several review to complete....

*  Oh yeah, and then there is school.  ;) 

So I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with our to-do list right now and there is no slowing down in April, May, and June.  I can't wait for July.  ;)

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