
Monday, August 29, 2011

miscellany monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

warning:  this may be an extremely boring miscellany monday...and it's very miscellany.  sorry no pics. 
eating oatmeal with cinnamon and blueberries this morning.  yum!!
today school has to be done by around lunchtime so we can head to the store and then to our jr homemakers class today.  on the class agenda:  sewing kitchen towel holders, practicing crochet, and making muffins.  :)
have you ever tried chocolate trinity publix premium ice cream?  if not, you have to try it.  it is sooo good!! 
this weekend we mostly hung around the house and just relaxed.  we did get out to roam around and visited pier 1 imports.  it's been a while since i've been there.  we left empty handed but i seriously could have bought it all.  we are actually looking for a rug for our family room.  5'x8' of larger.  i found a pattern i liked at target but it was too small.  going for simple.  we've had these wood floors for over a year now and still can't find what we like. 
have my dr appt tomorrow morning to find out my test results...
hoping all the flooding from irene clears up quickly in the north east.
have my first review of the year for the crew this week.  very excited to get it posted.  i'll leave you in suspense as to what it is exactly and just say it is a fun game the family can play together.
this is a shout out to you!!


  1. Your jr. homemaker's class sounds like fun. Wish we had something like that around here!

  2. I wish we had Publix here. Their brands are so good. :)

  3. Tiffany, it is! Caroline, Publix is great. A little pricey at times but I still like them the best!

  4. Can I come to school at your house? Publix ice cream is the best- my favorite is Hula Hula Macadamia but it's out of season right now.

  5. I hope Jr Homemakers was fun, and that the doctor gives you a wonderful report tomorrow.

    #9. I love it. <3


  6. The warning at the beginning wasn't needed. What a delightful post. And I'd love to participate in your Jr. Homemakers and crochet and sew and bake. And good luck with your rug hunting . . .


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