
Friday, August 26, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: Third Grade #9

Last week we finished Unit 7 ~ More Colonies in the New World and this week we finished Unit 8 ~  King Philip Declares War on the Settlers in our Heart of Dakota book, Bigger Hearts for His Glory.

So today I want to show a few things that were worked on in science and history and then I'd like to highlight a few fun projects that we completed this week.


We learned how important the stars and night sky were to the explorers.


Plants were important to the settlers for food and medicines.

Wampum belts were worn by the Native Americans and were used as money


After learning how to sew a bandana shirt in her Jr. Homemakers Class, our daughter had to make one by herself at home.  (I'm hoping to post instructions stay tuned!)

Last time we were at the store we picked up some extra fabric and filling to make a pillow for her dolls as well.  She made the pillow below this evening.


This week we started up again with our Meet the Masters program.  The artist we learned about was Pablo Picasso and the style of Cubism.  The directions were to draw the image that was presented, cut it in four pieces (see the creases in the paper), then glue it back together incorrectly.  My daughter loved how her drawing came out and didn't want to cut it!  So here it is, not quite Cubism, but a nice drawing.  ;)

Today a friend opened her home so our kids could make robots together.  Ours is named Beep.

And if you missed my miscellany monday post, last week we went to an art class and they kids painted an owl.  Here's my daughter's.

So how was your week?  Thanks for joining Our Homeschool Reviews and for more Weekly Wrap-Up, this week I am linked up with Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.



  1. Awesome art- all of it! My favorite thing is Beep.

  2. I love reading your weekly much so that we switched to the Bigger Hearts curriculum! We've done one week so far and we love it :)

  3. I like Beep too! And the sewing projects look great! Have a good weekend! :-) (!!! A few more !!! for good measure. LOL)

  4. I was so very seriously looking at my younger two doing the Heart of Dakota programs! Reading posts like this makes me second-guess my decision. Again. LOL...

    Love the Picasso though. That is SO what my kids would do.

  5. My boys would never have cut their artwork, either! She does such nice work! the sewing came out nicely, too. The shirt looks very boutique - she should make a nice duct tape accessory to go with it. :)
    I'm glad you had a good week, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too.

  6. Sounds like you had a great week, Christine. My poor sewing machine is collecting dust here, although two of the boys have expressed interest in learning to sew.

    Laura O in AK

  7. Thanks for all the great comments. Beep is guarding her bedroom for now, waiting on a friend to be made.


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