
Friday, September 9, 2011

Have You Heard of BigIQKids?

If you have never checked out BigIQKids before, you have got to head over there now!  Back in March I reviewed their site and I just wanted to remind everyone how wonderfully educational it is!

They have very fun programs for spelling, math, vocabulary, and U.S. geography..and the best part is that it is FREE

You do have the option to purchase a premium membership for math and U.S. geography.  If you are considering it, here are the advantages:

*  You can monitor the progress of your child and advance them only when mastery of the subject material has been achieved.

*  Their progress is tracked and saved, problem areas are identified, and these are reported to the parents via email.

*  They are offered customized "buddies" (my daughter's favorite part), full game access, and the ability to save game coins and game high scores. 

*  The premium programs also have very limited advertisements and no ads during the lessons.

Since my last review, BigIQKids has updated their website and added some great features.  You children can now complete interactive homework lessons and there is now a Spelling Junior, designed for younger students. 

My Thoughts:  I like the fact that BigIQKids is FREE and that they have the option to upgrade if you want.  The customized buddies are quite an incentive to upgrade though.  I also like that you cannot earn game coins until you complete your lessons and the lessons can be specific to your child's ability.

Thoughts of an 8-Year Old:  In BigIQKids you can create a character and play geography, math, spelling, and other learning games. After each one, you get a game coin and can either save up coins for later, or play your game right away. A game costs one or two game coins. Choose a game and then play it. You will notice your game coins run down one or two because you spent them on the game. I like BigIQKids a lot! 

Find Out More:  Programs on BigIQKids are FREE but you have the option to purchase Premium Memberships.  Prices start at $7.99 a month and go up, depending on the membership you purchase.  You can see more about pricing here.

My Crewmates are also reviewing BigIQKids, so you can check out what they think HERE.


Disclosure:  This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the products to the vendor.  I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own. 



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