
Friday, September 9, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: Third Grade #10

Last week we finished Unit 9 ~ Benjamin Franklin Grows Up and this week we started Unit 10 ~  Benjamin Franklin: Printer, Doctor, and Inventor in our Heart of Dakota book, Bigger Hearts for His Glory.

We've had a couple of very busy weeks so I have lots to tell you about! 

First we learned about Benjamin Franklin and all the wonderful things he did.  You can read about them below.

We learned some more about electricity and lightning.

Below you can see how I tried to produce static electricity.  See the shock in the last picture?  That did not end up happening in our experiment but she pretended it did...hehe.

We made tea towels and muffins in our Jr Homemakers Class

And dream catchers in our American Girl Book Club

We planted a small fall garden in the space under the swing set.  We planted peppers, corn, squash, zucchini, and carrots.  We already have a few that have sprouted up.  :)

On the other side of the garden our canna lilies are doing great!

And over the weekend we had a "sleepover" with our daughter.  We moved her mattress into our room for the night.  She was super excited!  As you can see in the picture, Maisy claimed it for herself.  ;)

So how was your week?  Thanks for joining Our Homeschool Reviews and for more Weekly Wrap-Up, this week I am linked up with Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.



  1. Hooray for Ben. My daughter did a report on him a couple of years ago.

    Great week!! Love the home ec projects. I need to do more of that. One day.

  2. I love the sleepover idea! Too cute!

  3. Thanks for sharing! It was interesting to read, as we just finished our first week of "Bigger Hearts for His Glory". We're loving HOD so far!

  4. Such a lot of great things to look back on. I like the pictures drawn with the writing tasks.

  5. Love the cooking and the garden. This is the second year that I did not plant a garden after saying I would. Perhpas next year.

  6. Oh, you should print all these up in a little blog book. It will be a treasure.

    Visiting from the crew.

  7. I love all of the projects you do together, and I'm so jealous that you are planting new things. Pretty soon, everything will be brown and dying. :(

    I hope the sleepover was fun. Maisy is so cute!

  8. Thanks for all the wonderful comments. And I have thought of making some sort of book. That would be neat!

  9. Love the picture of you flipping over electricity! LOL

    Great job on jr. homemakers, that looks both tasty and fun!


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