
Monday, September 5, 2011

miscellany monday

it's labor day and, yes, we are doing school today.  daddy is home but have a short school week because of some other activities later on, so this will keep us from falling too far behind. 

yesterday we visited hubby's parents to celebrate labor day.  menu items included grilled chicken, sausage, corn on the cob, cole slaw, fruit and vegetable trays, chips, brownies, and some yummy hot apple pie with vanilla ice cream.  activities included movies and playing in the pool.  it was a fun and relaxing time.
since daddy is home today, he cooked soup for lunch.  we'll call it vegetable-bean-hot dog soup.  my daughter is calling it "hot dog soup."  he pretty much added whatever we had lying around.  everyone gave it two thumbs up!



  1. I had intended to do school this morning, but we've gotten sidetracked cleaning. I think we'll still work some school in later, though. It sounds like you're having a productive day! :) That soup sounds like a really good plan to use up all those little bits in the fridge.

  2. I love soup like that! When others make it, anyway. Somehow, I haven't mastered creating soup myself that way...

  3. We are taking the day off today. Partially because Daddy is home, but partially because of our new little arrivals. ;)

  4. We enjoyed a lot more family time this weekend, too, and some extra cooking from my husband. It is a treat!

  5. We haven't started back to school yet , so I slept late and Dad made the boys breakfast. Yey, me! It was rainy and gross outside so we built a massive k'Nex set.

    I'm glad you had a nice weekend, and hady our hubby home today.


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