
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Breakfast for Dinner

Last week I posted that we started reading Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  Our daughter had requested a full breakfast like they ate in the story. 

Last night she got her wish and we had breakfast for dinner.  The menu included eggs, waffles, sausage, biscuits, gravy, syrup, OJ, and milk.

As I suspected, she did not eat the sausage or like the gravy.  And as good as it smelled and tasted, we all had way too full bellies afterwards.  ;)


  1. We usually eat breakfast for supper once a week. I love all the Wilder books.

  2. My kids love when we do this but it isn't very often. What is your biscuit and gravy recipe I am looking for one as I lost mine ages ago when we moved:)

  3. I'm a huge Little House fan, and I even have a Little House cookbook. It's pretty neat. It gives you a place in the book where each recipe was mentioned and talks a bit about it too. It would be great if you wanted to keep making some of the recipes. We even made salt pork from there once.

  4. My kids love having breakfast for supper! I've never had biscuits and gravy before, but have read about it in so many books that my curiosity is piqued. I'll have to try it sometime.


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