
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Always Ice Cream Review


If you have a daughter between the ages of 7 and 12, I have a really neat, educational, and innovative play and learn website just for them!  It's called Always Ice Cream

Always Ice Cream combines learning with motivation, praise and recognition.  It offers fun drills in core academic subjects in a safe community experience. 

One look at their website and you can see why girls this age will love it.  The colors and pictures are cute, captivating, and fun!

Once logged in, your child can dress their character {which is always one of Funny Bunny's favorite things to do} and they can immediately start to play the many learning games.  Games are divided by subject and include Language Arts, Math, Science, Geography & History, Music & Arts, Computer Skills, Foreign Languages, and Religious Education.

If you click the picture below you can see the US Presidents and Animal Groups Names Quiz, along with a list of subjects on the left.  You can also see her recently played games on the right.

 Click to enlarge

Here is Funny Bunny's character on level 26 of States of the USA.  This is her favorite game.  See her silver medal?  :)

Here she is on level 2 of the Bible Quiz.  Notice how she has not received a medal yet.

By completing the learning games, children can earn ice cream scoops, which act as virtual currency.  These scoops can then be used to play other games like Pet World.  

Below you can see one of Funny Bunny's pets.  Gurgles seems to be doing great!  Notice how every action costs ice cream scoops.  I love this because they have to be careful not to waste their scoops and they have to play more learning games to earn more "currency".

Scoops can also be used to design their own furniture, art work, rooms, and more in Mini World.

Another feature of Always Ice Cream is that parents have the option of allowing their daughters to interact with friends.  Once activated, girls can babysit each other's pets or buy artwork from other members.  All communication is moderated and strict guidelines are enforced. 

Parents also have access to a Parent's Portal where they can see their child's activity, friends, and profile.

My Thoughts:  I think Always Ice Cream is a safe, fun, and educational site for girls.  I love how the child has to play the learning games to earn scoops before they can play the other games.  There is no way around it!  I also like how the learning games take a step backward when the child answers a question incorrectly.  Concepts are reviewed over and over again until they are mastered before moving forward.  

I have changed the settings to not allow Funny Bunny to interact with other players.  I still think she is just too young and that works for us since she is not concerned with that feature anyways.  She has enjoyed the majority of games and has been having a great time learning.

Thoughts of an 8-Year Old:  I like Always Ice Cream because it teaches me new things every time I play it. I learned new countries in Europe, things about Anatomy, and over ten new dog breeds I didn't know before! I also like it because you need to pay scoops to by an egg in Pet World, so you need to earn scoops by playing learning games. It's a fun program and I love it!

Find Out More:  You can learn more about these features and what this program has to offer at Always Ice Cream.  Membership starts at $4.99 per month (with the first month only $0.99).  You can also buy two months for $9.98, one year for $29.99, or a lifetime membership for $99.99.  You can even try it for free!

My Crewmates are also reviewing Always Ice Cream, so you can check out what they think HERE.


Disclosure:  This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the products to the vendor.  I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own. 


  1. This has been a fun review. I also like how we can choose to customize the settings to fit our needs.

  2. I agree. Funny Bunny still loves to play this game!


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