
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Carving Angels Book Review

I have had the privilege to read a wonderfully delightful book entitled Carving Angels by Diane Stringam Tolley.  Before I get into the book though, I want to tell you a little about the author.

I first "met" Diane many months ago through an online blog hop that we both participate in.  Her blog, On the Border, includes her tales from the Stringam family ranches of Southern Alberta in the 1950's and 1960's.  I absolutely love reading her stories and I've found myself, quite frequently, cracking up when I do.  I've even let Funny Bunny read some and she thinks they're hilarious as well.

When I found out that Diane had published a book, one that both Funny Bunny and I could enjoy reading together, I could not wait to get a hold of it!!

From the Publisher:

Papa Adam, an elderly elf and former chief carver for Santa, has given up. Blind, frail and useless, he counts the minutes in every day as he waits to die.

But a challenge to carve, given by his youngest granddaughter, reawakens Papa Adam. Helps him to realize that he is not finished. And definitely not useless.

The two of them, the very oldest and youngest members of North Pole society, begin a remarkable project that will change their community forever. 
And prove that the most paralyzing thing you can do is underestimate or undervalue anyone. Especially yourself.

And that with love and encouragement, anything is possible. 

My ThoughtsThis is, in my opinion, a book all families should read together.  It brings hope, love, and faith together for an elderly elf and his granddaughter {and may bring a tear or two to your eye}.  I read a chapter to FB each night before bed and it was hard to put it down.  She absolutely loved the story and we were both sad when it ended...she wanted to read more!

Thoughts of an 8-Year Old:  I love Carving Angels because it is a very deep story with a happy ending. It is silly and shows just what young ones can do! My favorite part is when the old elf starts a surprise with his granddaughter... and how it ended! It's a family book that is about how clever both the young and old can be!

Find Out More:  You can find out more about Carving Angels at Diane's websiteCarvings Angels is available at Amazon, Generations Bookstore, Barnes and Noble and you can find links to all three here.  You can also find Diane on Twitter and Facebook.  And if you would like to read about her life on the ranch, don't forget to visit On the Border.

Disclosure:  This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the products to the vendor.  I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own. 



  1. I Love Diane's post too:) I wish this book was on the Kindle, it wasn't the last time I looked! Glad you got a copy to review:)


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