
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Reading Aloud Challenge

Debra over at Footprints in the Butter has been hosting a Reading Aloud Challenge each week that I am participating in.

This week I am continuing to read aloud John Audubon: Young Naturalist. 
We are about half way through the book and Funny Bunny has been enjoying all the talk about birds.

We are still reading Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  This is a long book, but worth taking the time to get through.  It is fun to read about their lives.

We finished up Carving Angels by Diane Stringam Tolley, and you can read my review about it here.

And last week I started reading The Moffats by Eleanor Estes.  Funny Bunny has read this countless times herself but asked me to read it aloud. 

I can tell already that this will be a cute and funny book with unexpected adventures!

So that is it with us.  What have you been reading aloud this week?

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