
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wits & Wagers Family Review


We had the opportunity to play a fun family game from North Star Games called Wits & Wagers Family.  This game is for ages 8 and up and can be played with 3 to 10 people. 

From the manufacturer:

First, every player writes down a guess to a fun question. Then players try to score points by choosing which guess is closest to the right answer without going over. That is it!

The game features 300 new family-friendly questions. And even better than that, Wits & Wagers Family includes Meeples-- fun, cute, human shaped wooden pieces that the players use to select which answers they think are correct.


First you have a player ask a question.

Next you write your guess and place it down so everyone can see.

Then all players guess which answer they think is correct by placing their Meeples on the cards.  Each player has two Meeples {one small and one large}. 

Once the answer is read aloud, points are awarded.  There are three ways to score points:

* 1 point for writing the winning guess
* 1 point for placing a small Meeple on the winning answer
* 2 points for placing a large Meeple on the winning answer

Points are then tallied on the score board and the first person to accumulate 15 points wins the game!

My Thoughts:  This game was surprisingly fun.  All you are doing is guessing answers to questions and then trying to decide whose guess is the closest to the correct answer {without going over}.  Seems simple but it's fun.  And it is fun to find out what the correct answers are.  Many times we have all been way off.  We have only played with three players but I think the more players, the more challenging to win it becomes. 

Thoughts of an 8-Year Old: I like Wits & Wagers because it is a fun, family friendly game.  Sometimes the questions are hard but sometimes they are easy, but I like it either way.  I also like seeing what everyone else guessed. 

Find Out More:  You can learn more about Wits & Wagers Family and other games at North Star Games.  Wits & Wagers Family can be purchased on Amazon for $15.23 {at the time of this post} and other online retailers.  You can also find North Star Games on Facebook

My Crewmates are also reviewing Wits & Wagers Family, along with Say Anything Family, so you can check out what they think HERE.


Disclosure:  This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the products to the vendor.  I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own. 


  1. Every year for Christmas, our family buys a new game. Okay, I know what will be this year's pick!

  2. If you end up getting it, I hope you enjoy it. We've had fun with it. :)

  3. Hi there,

    My name is Andrew and I work for North Star Games. I was wondering if you could repost this onto for us, as it is such a great review.

    Thanks so much!
    Andrew Chen


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