
Friday, May 18, 2012

5 Days of Homeschooling An Only Child

It's the last day of 5 Days of Blogging with the Homeschool Crew and after touching on schooling at home, socialization, and fitting in, today I'm writing about Homeschooling An Only Child and just plain having fun.

As Funny Bunny has grown, her academic workload has grown right along with her.  It is sometimes hard to find that balance between schoolwork and extra curricular activities. 

She is also an intelligent and very talented child with natural abilities in many areas {she gets none of those from me}.  ;)  As parents of an only child, I think we tend to push her more than we would if we had many children. 

But I think it is important to remember that homeschooling should be more than just being your child's teacher for math, grammar, and science.  It should be about going outside, exploring, spending quality time together, and just plain having fun!

No family is perfect, and I know we have made our share of mistakes, but I hope that when Funny Bunny looks back, she smiles when she remembers the field trips she took, friends she made, activities she participated in, stories we read together, and projects we worked on. 

Homeschooling an only child doesn't have to be that different than homeschooling several children.  We are all making memories that will hopefully last a lifetime!



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