It's been a loooong while since I posted a Menu Plan Monday! Too long! The past couple years I have been up and down with food and in the process gained about 10lbs so I need to get things under control! NOW!
This year Funny Bunny added more extracurricular activities in the evening so we are out of the house 4 nights a week. Over time I was just throwing quick meals together, or worse...grabbing food in the car. Blahh!!
So one major problem with eating quick, nutrient deficient foods for dinner is that we are all hungry for junk food soon afterward. So I have been on the hunt for HEALTHY Crock Pot Meals! I know you are thinking that there can be nothing healthy about a meal made in a crock pot, but I've searched for them and found several great potentials.
Making the meals in the crock pot will not only save me time, making dinner ready when we get home, but I'm also hoping that these healthier and more substantial meals will keep us more full. Plus, my goal is to start exercising again, so I'll be able to work all those extra calories off.
I'm also hoping that these large crock pot meals will give us plenty of leftovers for a second night, saving us money too.
As of now I don't have any recipes to share, but I do want to tell you about the websites I've found.
Stacy Makes Sense
Skinny Taste
Slender Kitchen
Cooking Light
I also have a subscription to eMeals, so I'll be getting Slow Cooker Clean Eating meal plans each week.
If you have any HEALTHY Crock Pot Recipes, please share them in the comments below! Thanks!
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