Thursday, December 18, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Christmas Tree

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Lilla Rose GIVEAWAY!!

Last week I posted a Lilla Rose review and this week I'm excited to have the opportunity to host a Lilla Rose GIVEAWAY!!

We are loving our Festive Poinsettia Flexi Hair Clip!  Below you can see a picture of Funny Bunny with it in her hair.

So now you have a chance to win a gift certificate for one item up to $16 from Jennifer's Lilla Rose site!!  Enter below and good luck!!


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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Lilla Rose Review

I was contacted by Jennifer over at A Glimpse of Our Life to try out and review a Flexi Hair Clip by Lilla Rose.

If you are not familiar with Lilla Rose, it centers around unique, functional, and well made hair jewelry, the most popular being the Flexi Hair Clip, which is what I'll be telling you about.

We received the Festive Poinsettia, size extra small.  You can see it below.  Isn't it beautiful?!

Before ordering though, it's very important to watch the video on Sizing and Styling so you know what size to order for your hair.  Based on the thickness of our hair and that we would be using the clip to only put half our hair up, we chose extra small.

We found the clip to be very well made and the beading and design beautiful! It is simple to use and as you can see in the picture above, it comes with a sliding pin attached, so there is no worry about it getting lost.

Although we only used it to put our hair half up, it is very versatile and, depending on the size you order, can be used to put hair in a ponytail, tails up, french twist, and more.

Funny Bunny doesn't usually want to have anything done with her hair, so I was excited to have her try this.  I think it turned out quite nice and she likes it.

I like it for my hair as well.  My hair is thicker and more wavy but I can still easily pull half into the clip.  It's simple for me to attach and looks much nicer than the ponytail holder I'm prone to wearing. :)

Find Out More:  You can find out more online at Lilla Rose.  The Flexi Clip sizes range from mini to mega and are priced at $11 and up.  Lilla Rose also sells Hair Sticks, Hair Bands, Bobby Pins, and more.  You can purchase straight through Jennifer's site or contact her to host a party to earn free jewelry.

Jennifer has a New Customer Special right now - Receive a certificate for 1 FREE item up to $16 after a purchase of 3 items.  Just email her through her website to redeem this offer!  What a great way to purchase a few gifts!

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Monday, December 8, 2014

Blogging News

I apologize for the lack of blog posts lately.  Between decorating for Christmas, cleaning the house, and working with Funny Bunny to make crafts for our local Homeschooling Gift & Craft Fair last week, I was short on time.  Thankfully all of that is behind us now so we are back on schedule. :)

I do have some sad blogging news to share though.  After being with The TOS Review Crew since the summer of 2010 {4 1/2 years!!}, I have decided to take a break, at least for now.  My plan will be for Funny Bunny to start Challenge A with Classical Conversations in the fall, so I didn't want to add any more work for her during that time.

I have some very exciting news as well!  I will continue blogging and we will still be reviewing homeschooling and other products, but just at a more relaxed pace.

As a matter of fact, I have one review coming this week that I'm excited to share about, so stay tuned!!

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Monday, December 1, 2014

Funny Bunny Designs on Zazzle

Looking for a unique gift for someone?  Funny Bunny created her own online store about two years ago on Zazzle called Funny Bunny Designs.  She creates her own designs, loads them on to Zazzle merchandise, and makes a small percentage of sales.  She has actually done quite well.  Her most popular items by far are the products with her Drama Llama design.  Aren't they cute?!

Also popular is her Hedgehog design.

Hedgehog Tee

And I especially love her Christmas Tree 

Christmas Tree

And  few new designs in her True To B U Collection

Of course I love them all and think it is a great way for her to be creative and to also learn how to earn money.  So if you are still looking for that unique gift, please stop by Funny Bunny Designs and take a look. 

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