After what seemed like hours of searching, I came across a foldable rolling cart with pockets! The Olympia Tools Pack-n-Roll 48 Pocket Foldable Cart.
This was exactly what I was looking for. I wanted a cart that could fold down for storage but also easily assemble when I want to use it. I also LOVE the heavy duty canvas organizer that it comes with. The organizer simply fits inside the cart and over the sides. It adds a ton of storage!
The telescopic handle is easy to use. Simply push a button to extend it. The cart also includes removable rails for hanging legal and letter size files. I also love that the canvas organizer has a lid that can be pulled over the top to cover the contents inside. We get afternoon storms quite a bit and I was definitely looking for something with a cover.
We have packed this cart full and she hasn't had any trouble rolling it to and from class. It is 15' x 17" x 16" in size and folds down to 3" thick for storage. I'm not sure of the maximum weight that it can carry, but as you can see, we have it full of books and it has handled it perfectly.
Find Out More: You can find out more online at Olympia Tools and purchase it on Amazon
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