Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Jesus Today Review and Giveaway!

Jesus Today, by the bestselling author of Jesus Calling, is a wonderful book of devotions for kids. Each devotion is based on Scripture and is written as though Jesus is speaking directly to you and your child.

This book is great for ages 6-10 and easy for children to read on their own. Each of the 150 devotions is laid out on a two-page spread, one page with the devotion and one with Bible verses.  The hardbound book is adorable and the pages are slick with large print.

The author is clear with the message that Jesus died for our sins and that we can ask Him to be our Savior. Jesus Today was written to remind children that Jesus is with us, by our side, all the time.

This sweet devotional for kids is the perfect gift for any child.  I would highly recommend it. We already own Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions for Kids, which is more for ages 8-12, so this is great for the youngers.

Find Out More: You can find out more online at Amazon.  Jesus Today sells for just $11.76 for the hardcover book or $9.99 for the Kindle version.  You can also get more information on Facebook and Twitter.


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