WOW! I feel so blessed to be able to review another volume of Apologia's
"What we Believe" series. If you missed my other reviews, you can read more about them below.
Volume 1 -
Who Is God {And Can I Really Know Him?}
Volume 2 -
Who Am I {And What Am I Doing Here?}
For this review I received
Volume 3 - Who Is My Neighbor {And Why Does He Need Me?}.
The third book in the award-winning What We Believe series helps
children understand what it means to be salt and light to the world
(Matthew 5:13-14). This study will encourage kids to develop a
Christlike servant attitude based on these biblical truths: God created
me to be a blessing to the world; God chooses to work through me; I can
make a difference at home, in my community, and at church; the church is
God's family; the church is one body with many gifts; and I am an
important member of Jesus' body.
It includes eight, very meaty lessons.

1: Does Anyone Really Need Me?
2: How Can I Make a Difference?
3: Who Is My Neighbor?
4: Why Did God Make Families?
5: What Can I Do For My Country?
6: Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
7: Who Is God's Family?
8: Why Does The Church Need Me?
For more details on each lesson, you can view the complete
Table of Contents.
Each lesson follows a similar structure with the following key components. If you'd like, you can view all of
Lesson 1.
* The Big Idea
* What You Will Do
* Short Story
* Think About It
* Words You Need to Know
* Hide it in Your Heart
* Integrated Learning
* What Should I Do?
* Prayer
* Encounters with Jesus
* Take a Closer Look
* House of Truth
Although this Bible curriculum is fairly easy to use and very flexible, a helpful lesson plan is included. They have suggested taking three weeks per lesson, two days a week, but of course you can use it any way you would like.
We also received the Notebooking Journal that goes along with the book. I absolutely recommend getting this, as it adds so much more to the lessons!! It includes artful graphics, imaginative writing prompts, puzzles, activities, and eight full-color mini books.
Again, lesson plans are included, along with suggestions for each day's reading and journal assignments.
My Thoughts: I have LOVED this series and Who Is My Neighbor? is no exception! Children will learn so much from it! It is recommended for ages 6-14, and although it has been enjoyable to read aloud to Funny Bunny, I think she will get much more out of it when she is older.
And for those Heart of Dakota users like me, Volume 1 and 2 are scheduled in Revival to Revelation and Missions to Modern Marvels! My guess is that Heart of Dakota will continue including the What We Believe series as they write new books. I'm so excited about it!! :)
Thoughts of a 9-Year Old: This book has good thinking points for kids my age. I like it!
Find Out More: You can find out more online at
Who Is My Neighbor? is a hard-bound, 273-page book for $39.
Who Is My Neighbor? Notebooking Journal is spiral-bound, 240 pages and sells for $24.
Who Is My Neighbor? Coloring Book is for younger students or those who learn best while their hands are busy. It's a softcover, 64-page book that is just $8.
My Crewmates are also talking about Apologia: Who Is My Neighbor, so you can check out what they think about it HERE.
Disclaimer: This product was
given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do
not have to return the product to the vendor. I have received no
compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review
are my own.