We were given the opportunity to read two books from Grace & Truth Books, a family run online Christian bookstore.
Grace and Truth Books isn’t a Christian bookstore that follows the latest trends. They know that the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ has nothing to do with fancy packaging or attempting to resemble secular literature or media. This online Christian book store is built on a different approach: what will glorify God, strengthen His people in their walk, and call all peoples to find joy in knowing His gospel and following Him.
The two books we received are from their Character Building Collection, which contains the first books they ever sold, and still their most popular character building stories.
Funny Bunny wrote a review of both books, which you can read below.
I read two Grace & Truth books called The Reward of Childhood Truth and The Little Medicine Carrier. They are both very good books.
Charles and Harry then buy a flower that looks like the one that they accidentally destroyed with a note. When Mr. Arnold rejects it, the Bensons move out, leaving room for multiple annoying neighbors. When Mr. Arnold goes to the bank and hears that the Benson boys’ father has died, will Mr. Arnold accept the offer to become their father? Or will he be stuck to his non-Christian ways and remember, as he calls it, the 'Prodigium Mundi'?
The second story in The Reward of Childhood Truth is about a little girl named Mary and her brother Charles. One day Charles decides to make a huge pile of hay to ‘show Mama and Papa what they could do’. They at last added on as much as they could, but there was more hay to be piled, and they could not reach! So, even though Papa forbids it, Charles gets the big pitchfork out and piles more hay on top. While Mary stands in the back of the pile, Charles strikes her on the cheek with the pitchfork by accident. When Papa comes out to see what happened, Mary, not wanting to get her brother in trouble, tells the falsehood that she struck her cheek against the latch of a chest. Her arising guilt and the scar on her cheek hurt her conscience until she hears, ‘confess your faults to one another’. Will she tell her parents her lie? Or will she pretend that nothing happened and displease God?
Will George resist those, too? Or will he give in? He must be careful as he works, because as his Sunday school teacher rightly says, ‘when you work for someone, your time is no longer your own’…
They are all very good books. It is a terribly hard decision, but if I had to pick a favorite, I would pick The Reward of Childhood Truth. I would like to read more Grace &Truth books if possible.
Find Out More: You can find out more online at Grace & Truth Books. Both The Reward of Childhood Truth and The Little Medicine Carrier sell for just $4.75, along with each book in the Character Building Collection. You can also purchase all 11 books in the Children's Character Building Collection for $49.
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