Around 7:30 a.m.
Wake up and eat breakfast. Funny Bunny likes to eat first thing. After eating she has to make her bed and get into an outfit for the day.
Around 8:30 - 8:45 a.m.
She starts several subjects. These are usually things she can do on her own so I can continue my household chores.
I allow her to take several breaks throughout the day between subjects. During her breaks we either play together, she plays alone, we play with the dog, or she is doing chores.
Mid morning she continues working on subjects, either with me or without. 10:30 a.m. is usually snack time.
By about 11:30 a.m. she has finished most of her work for the day and we break for lunch.
Between 12:30 - 1:00 p.m.
This is usually about the time I will do history and science with her if we haven't already. We sit on the couch and I read those aloud to her. We discuss what was read afterwards.
She finishes with her school work sometime between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. It really all depends on how focused she is on getting things completed. If she is procrastinating or taking long breaks, it drags the day on. If she is willing to get things done right away, it's always more pleasant and she finishes early. :)
Of course this is an example of a day that we are home, which between 2-3 days a week. Tuesday is a half day so we have to work fast and usually don't get to everything. Thursday we are off because of Community Bible Study, although if we are behind, sometimes I sneak a subject or two in between CBS and dance.
You can see a list of Funny Bunny's 4th grade curriculum here. I rotate some of the subjects, so she doesn't do everything listed everyday, but she does get to the bulk of it.
Well, I hope you've enjoyed taking a peek into our day. I would love to hear about yours!
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