Does your child enjoy reading? Would you love to find a complete literature-based homeschool curriculum? If so, you need to check out
Moving Beyond the Page.
Moving Beyond the Page is a complete literature-based homeschool curriculum that:
* Encourages critical and creative thinking
* Provides challenging and engaging projects
* Supports different learning styles
Once you arrive at their website, you can shop for
complete packages or
individual units by age or
by subject {science, social studies, language arts, or math}.
Funny Bunny and I chose her review selection by age. If you need help with choosing the appropriate age range, you can read more at
Choosing the Right Age Level.
She is in the 8-10 age range so she selected the
Little House in the Big Woods Language Arts Package to go along with the
Dirt and Plants Science Package.
Here's how it works: {I'm going to use the 8-10 age level as an example}
There are 12 literature units included in the 8-10 age level. They are made to go along with one of the 12 science or social studies units that make up the complete curriculum package.
units are broken down into daily lesson plans. When you begin lesson 1
of a science or social studies unit, you will also begin the first day of
the corresponding literature unit.
I just LOVE how everything works together!! You can read more here at the
8-10 overview {there is an overview for each age range}. Scroll down and you will see the corresponding units.
Here's how we used it:
As I mentioned earlier, Funny Bunny selected the
Little House in the Big Woods Language Arts Package to go along with the
Dirt and Plants Science Package. We received the
Dirt and Plants Science Package in the mail, along with the Little House in the Big Woods chapter book. The Language Arts Curriculum was provided to us as an ebook.
Then each day after we began a lesson in the literature unit, we began the corresponding lesson in the science unit. Everything was well laid out and all the instructions were very clear.
Below are a few samples from the literature unit. Since it was an ebook, we had to print the worksheets. I think that's a great idea if you have multiple children working in the same unit, but I would have liked the physical workbook so I didn't have as much printing. It's nice to have both options though.
Below are a few samples from the science unit. There were less worksheets and more projects, which we liked. You can see how in the literature unit above we learned about plants and natural resources and in the science unit she made a mobile of the parts of a plant. Other projects included experimenting with soil and a growth experiment.
Thoughts of a 10-Year Old: Moving Beyond the Page was a really good way for me to learn more about plants and soil. For instance, I had no idea that depending on how light or dark the soil is, it's actually saying what kind of dirt it is. I guess I had just never really thought about it before. When you think of what's in the dirt, you typically think of worms, armadillos, moles - but there's so much more! Just one square foot of soil can be home to as many as 300,000 different living things! Also, the book
Little House in the Big Woods was good. I learned about how they did the things we do but simpler. I even compared their life to ours and made a plant mobile! I loved this science program and enjoyed it a lot!
Find Out More: You can find out more online at
Moving Beyond the Page. Shop for
complete packages or
individual units by age or
by subject. Available for ages 4-14.
Little House in the Big Woods Language Arts Package is $23.98 and includes the chapter book and curriculum workbook. The
Dirt and Plants Science Package is $30.89 and includes Dirt: Jump into Science, Experiments with Plants, and curriculum workbook. The entire
8-10 Full Year Package is $772.53 and includes hard copy curriculum, literature, and manipulatives for science, social studies, and language arts. What is great about this program is you can pick and choose what you want!
Make sure to check out the
curriculum samples and these helpful
Getting Started and
FAQ pages.
My Crewmates are also reviewing
Moving Beyond the Page, so you can check out what they think
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