We are gearing up for the start of 5th grade!! Homeschool curriculum has been bought, school supplies shopped for, and school room cleaned out. All that's left is for me to pick a start date. :) Here is out 5th grade homeschool curriculum list.
We will be using Creation to Christ from Heart of Dakota, which provides a deeper look at the ancient time period from creation to Christ told in story form.
For History, the main spine will be The Story of the Ancient World. Other resources will includes Genesis: Finding Our Roots, A Child's Geography Explore the Holy Land, and What in the World? Vol. I - Ancient Civilizations & the Bible.
Heart of Dakota also schedules History Read Alouds and some we will be reading include: Dinosaurs of Eden

Other Science resources will include: Exploring the History of Medicine
For Math we are switching from Rightstart E to Saxon 65. I'm hoping it is a smooth transition.
I've flipped through the book and Funny Bunny has taken the placement tests, She could probably go a level higher, but she could use the review and she would still be on track. No sense in creating tears when there doesn't need to be!!

And to make it extra special, and hopefully more fun, I've told her that she can create the pet shop in real life, with her stuffed animals. :)
For English Grammar we will be using Rod & Staff English 5. Heart of Dakota actually schedules this book over two years so we will be taking it slow. I think they only schedule two lessons a week. Funny Bunny is pretty happy about that.
I was worried that working in this book over two years would put her behind, but after reading threads on different boards, it looks like English 5 is advanced enough that you can do that.

For Latin we are going to be using Visual Latin this year. I've also done a review of it here.
Dwane Thomas is hilarious so I'm hoping it will bring some fun to her Latin lessons.
We'll be using some other things here and there, but this is pretty much the bulk of what we will be working on this year.
I'd love to hear about your homeschool curriculum plans for the upcoming school year. Link up if you have posted about it. To see what Funny Bunny used from PreK to 4th, look to the sidebar on the left.
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