Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Homeschool Mother's Journal 10-29-13

In our homeschool last week… 

Funny Bunny completed Unit 10: The Reign of King Saul in Heart of Dakota's Creation to Christ.

Below is her watercolor painting for the poem Misgiving by Robert Frost.  She was supposed to outline a leaf and paint it over the background but when we lifted the plastic wrap it ended up looking like a forest of trees so she wanted to keep it like it was.  Neat effect!!

For History she had to make a sling like those used by the ancient Israelites and by David when he killed Goliath.  Hers is made out of yarn and did a pretty good job once we found the perfect object to sling.  Her rubber band ball seemed to work the best!

Since the beginning of October things have been crazy busy!  After we got back from vacation, Funny Bunny performed in our local fall festival for her dance company and sang for church.

I've spent most of my free time updating my blog {hope you like it}, working on reviews, and getting ready for the holidays and upcoming events.

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