Heart of Dakota: Resurrection to Reformation - Unit 4: The Fall of the Western Empire
Reading About History: Still reading selections from The Story of the Middle Ages and Famous Men of the Middle Ages. Still not her favorite books. :/
History Storytime: Continuing to read Mystery of the Silver Coins. We love this series and already have the next book ready to go when we finish this one.
History Project: Funny Bunny created the game "Race to Rome". We were supposed to make our own game pieces with bread and glue, but after making them last year, decided to skip it this year and use playdoh. :)
Devotional Bible Study: I have been reading aloud "Beautiful Girlhood" and we have been discussing the questions in "The Companion Guide to Beautiful Girlhood". Chapter 4 is on character building.
Science Exploration: Venus
Science Experiment: How are rocks affected by intenser heating and cooling? {using hot butter}
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