A few weeks back, an online friend mentioned that her pastor had written a new book and it was available for review. I checked into it and thought the book looked interesting so I decided to get it.
From the Publisher: Creative ideas, real-life stories, and Scriptural guidance for being the family that loves being together.
Building Family Ties with Faith, Love, and Laughter is the second in
the Faithful Family series where Dave applies his practical,
conversational, and humorous approach to the challenge of building
strong spiritual ties to each other as a family. Topics include:
Contentment, Security, Loyalty, Gratitude, Spontaneity, Communication,
and more.
Preaching is his gift, but Pastor Dave Stone’s family is his life’s
blessing. And after raising three kids of his own, as well as
shepherding the diverse families of his congregation, his heart and
passion for building strong families rings louder than ever. He knows
that raising faithful families is a key to the future of the church.
My Thoughts: This book was a quick and inspiring read with encouraging advice for any family. Dave starts off by describing "The Joyful Christian Family." The family who is in danger of becoming an endangered species...succumbing to all the pressures of daily life...entertainment, sports, music, extracurricular activities, all draining us of our excitement and spirit. Are we having fun anymore? How do we find that joy again?
Do you feel this way sometimes? I know I do!!
Building Family Ties with Faith, Love, and Laughter gives great tips and ideas to help families find the right direction for them. I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to all families, regardless of the stage of life they are in.
Find Out More: You can find out more about Building Family Ties with Faith, Love, and Laughter at various online retailers. Amazon sells it as a hardcover for just $11.18 and is rated 4.5 our of 5 stars.
This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for
review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the
vendor. I have received no compensation from it and all opinions
and experiences within this review are my own.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: Between the Rain
Its been raining on and off for a few days now and the yard has gotten quite swampy. In between the raining Funny Bunny decided to check on some of her plants...equipped with galoshes!
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Dry Idea Sweepstakes and Giveaway
Did you know that Dry Idea is holding a Sweepstakes with $1000 in prizes! There is a $500 First Place prize and 10 $50 Second Place prizes! You can enter here!
But before you do, why not enter to win a coupon for one FREE 3.25 oz or smaller Dry Idea AdvancedDry!
So why Dry Idea? Here are a few reasons:
Dry Idea AdvancedDry Roll-On
24-hour Protection
Fast Drying MicroCotton Formula
Contains Vitamin E
Dry Idea AdvancedDry Clear Gel
24-hour Protection
Goes on Clear
Extra Effective all day
Dry Idea AdvancedDry Solid
48-hour Protection
Clinical Level Wetness Protection
Contains Vitamin E
I've actually been using Dry Idea's Roll-On for some time now, so I'm glad to see that they have come out with this new line and it is hypo-allergenic!
Find Out More: You can find out more online at Dry Idea.
So, here's how to enter to win a coupon for one FREE 3.25 oz or smaller Dry Idea AdvancedDry!! For each comment, you will get one (1) entry.
1. Leave a comment telling me why you would like to win
2. Follow my blog using Google Friend Connect
3. Like Our Homeschool Reviews on Facebook
4. Like Dry Idea on Facebook
5. Post on Dry Idea's Facebook page and mention this post
6. Click here to enter the sweepstakes
**Remember to please leave a separate comment for each entry**
Contest ends on Thursday, July 5, 2012 at 11:59 EST. The winner will be chosen by Random.org. This contest is open to U.S. residents who are 18 or older. If I am unable to reach the winner by email within 48 hours, an alternate winner will be selected. Your entry is only valid if you include a way for me to contact you (either an email address in your comment or on your profile). The winner's name will be obtained and publicly announced. The number of eligible entries determines the odds of winning. No purchase is necessary to win and this contest is void where prohibited by law.
Disclosure: This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the products to the vendor. I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own.
Monday, June 25, 2012
miscellany monday
it has been a very busy month for us....
there was disney
then there were two birthday parties, the movies, the library, and playing with friends
then dance rehearsal
then the dance recital
then more movies, library, pool, shopping, and playing with friends
oh, and hubby and i celebrated our 12th anniversary yesterday and enjoyed dinner and a movie on saturday night
miscellany monday
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Hearts at Home Store Summer Sale
The Hearts at Home Store is having their huge annual Summer Sale with up to 30% off of thousands of items!
Bringing Up Girls Book Review
Peer pressure. Eating disorders. Decisions about
love, romance, and sex. Academic demands. Life goals and how to achieve
them. These are just some of the challenges that girls face today—and
the age at which they encounter them is getting younger and younger. As a
parent, how are you guiding your daughter on her journey to womanhood?
Are you equipping her to make wise choices? Whether she’s still playing
with dolls or in the midst of the often-turbulent teen years, is she
truly secure in her identity as your valued and loved daughter? In the New York Times bestseller Bringing Up Girls,
parenting authority and trusted family counselor Dr. James Dobson will
help you face the challenges of raising your daughters to become strong,
healthy, and confident women who excel in life.
This was a powerful and eye-opening book!! Do you have young girls at home? If so, you must read this!
Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6
I was sucked into each chapter.
Chapter 2: Girls In Peril ~ "Today's little girls are being enticed to grow up too fast and are encountering challenges for which they are totally unprepared.
Chapter 5: Teaching Girls To Be Ladies ~ "The foundations of national Morality must be laid in private Families. In vain are Schools, Academies and universities instituted if loose Principles and licentious habits are impressed upon Children in their earliest years. The Mothers are the earliest and most important Instructors of youth." President John Adams in 1778.
Chapters 8 through 10 are all about the Daddies!! They include such wonderful and touching stories...I was in tears!
I could go on and on. This is a wonderful book that every family with a girl at home should own.
This was a powerful and eye-opening book!! Do you have young girls at home? If so, you must read this!
Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ Proverbs 22:6
I was sucked into each chapter.
Chapter 2: Girls In Peril ~ "Today's little girls are being enticed to grow up too fast and are encountering challenges for which they are totally unprepared.
Chapter 5: Teaching Girls To Be Ladies ~ "The foundations of national Morality must be laid in private Families. In vain are Schools, Academies and universities instituted if loose Principles and licentious habits are impressed upon Children in their earliest years. The Mothers are the earliest and most important Instructors of youth." President John Adams in 1778.
Chapters 8 through 10 are all about the Daddies!! They include such wonderful and touching stories...I was in tears!
I could go on and on. This is a wonderful book that every family with a girl at home should own.
Find Out More: You can find out more online at Tyndale House Publishers. The softcover book sells for $15.99, hardcover for $25.99, and you can also purchase it as an e-book or audio at several major online retailers.
This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free by Tyndale House Publishers for
review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the
vendor. I have received no compensation from it and all opinions
and experiences within this review are my own.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Safe Animal Shelter Fundraiser
I am so excited to be doing a fundraiser for our Safe Animal Shelter!! Thirty-One has been a great way for me to be able to give back to the community and for this fundraiser I'm donating 50% of my commissions!!
Yesterday we had a fundraising party but are still taking orders through the week. If you would like to get something for yourself or need to get a gift for an upcoming event, you can order here. Once you are ready to place an order, there will be an option to select the Safe Animal Shelter Fundraiser.
In June, for every $35 that you spend, you can purchase a Large Utility Tote for only $10, which is a savings of $25. Also, for June only, we have new Top-A-Tote lids for the Large Utility Totes for only $10!
This is an organization that is near and dear to our hearts, so thank you for any orders that will help to support it.
Yesterday we had a fundraising party but are still taking orders through the week. If you would like to get something for yourself or need to get a gift for an upcoming event, you can order here. Once you are ready to place an order, there will be an option to select the Safe Animal Shelter Fundraiser.
In June, for every $35 that you spend, you can purchase a Large Utility Tote for only $10, which is a savings of $25. Also, for June only, we have new Top-A-Tote lids for the Large Utility Totes for only $10!
This is an organization that is near and dear to our hearts, so thank you for any orders that will help to support it.
And the Victoria Chart Co Winner Is...
Comment #17: Samantha D said...I follow you via GFC
I used Random.org to pick the winner and I have already notified her via email.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Victoria Chart Co Giveaway via Our Homeschool Reviews and thanks again to the Victoria Chart Company for allowing me to offer this great product!
I used Random.org to pick the winner and I have already notified her via email.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Victoria Chart Co Giveaway via Our Homeschool Reviews and thanks again to the Victoria Chart Company for allowing me to offer this great product!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I Need Your Vote!
Just a reminder that I've been nominated for the Circle of Moms Top 25 Homeschooling Blogs!! If you would like to vote for me you can vote up to once every 24 hours through June 27th, 2012.
Just click the button above and it will take you to their voting page. I've been slipping and am now at #20.
Thanks for the nomination and the votes!
Friday, June 15, 2012
IXL Math Review
Are you looking for a new math curriculum? Would you like something that's online, eye catching, and fun? A program that you can use with multiple children at multiple grade levels, all under one membership? If so, take a look at IXL.
IXL allows teachers and parents to monitor the progress of their students and motivate them through interactive games and practice questions. Widely recognized as the Web's most comprehensive math site, IXL offers a dynamic and enjoyable environment for children to practice math.
IXL is for students in PreK to Algebra, with Geometry, Trigonometry, and other advanced topics coming soon.
Once you have signed up and created your profile, your child can start practicing. You select the grade and topic. Below you can see a partial list for third grade, which is what Funny Bunny has been working on. The list goes on and on, so there is a ton to chose from. And I could move from grade to grade if I want to. I like that I am not stuck at one level.
Once you select a topic, you begin the practice. You are scored on the side and receive ribbons along the way. You can see there is a timer as well, but you can hide that if you would like.
When you are finished you can view your awards, play again, or practice another skill.
When you view your awards you come to the screen below. Each square has a different challenge, and if you meet it, you'll reveal a virtual prize. Each grade has a different theme as well.
There is also a great reporting feature for parents to keep track of their child's progress. Here you can read more about it and see some samples.
Why IXL? IXL is a practice environment in which guessing is not an option, and success is earned through hard work and genuine understanding of each concept. To facilitate this deeper level of learning, every skill on IXL was designed to make kids' minds come alive. They approach each math topic from every angle, appealing to the right and the left brain, offering visual representations, word problems, interactive activities, and more. By the time children have mastered a skill, their understanding of that concept is real.
Thoughts of a 9-Year Old: The best part is that you can earn virtual prizes. These are the prizes you earn after each round of practicing. I have earned a stagecoach, a camel, a lasso, and a star so far. You also have an avatar and you can change your avatar to any one of your prizes! For instance, I changed my avatar to the camel I earned. Overall it was OK.
Find Out More: You can find out more online at IXL.com. A family membership is either $9.95 a month or $79 for a year. Each additional child costs $2/month or $20/year. IXL is being used in more than 150 countries around the world, and for the United States, you can view the state standards for every state.
My Crewmates are also talking about IXL, so you can check out what they think about it HERE.

IXL allows teachers and parents to monitor the progress of their students and motivate them through interactive games and practice questions. Widely recognized as the Web's most comprehensive math site, IXL offers a dynamic and enjoyable environment for children to practice math.
IXL is for students in PreK to Algebra, with Geometry, Trigonometry, and other advanced topics coming soon.
Once you have signed up and created your profile, your child can start practicing. You select the grade and topic. Below you can see a partial list for third grade, which is what Funny Bunny has been working on. The list goes on and on, so there is a ton to chose from. And I could move from grade to grade if I want to. I like that I am not stuck at one level.
Once you select a topic, you begin the practice. You are scored on the side and receive ribbons along the way. You can see there is a timer as well, but you can hide that if you would like.
When you are finished you can view your awards, play again, or practice another skill.
When you view your awards you come to the screen below. Each square has a different challenge, and if you meet it, you'll reveal a virtual prize. Each grade has a different theme as well.
There is also a great reporting feature for parents to keep track of their child's progress. Here you can read more about it and see some samples.
Why IXL? IXL is a practice environment in which guessing is not an option, and success is earned through hard work and genuine understanding of each concept. To facilitate this deeper level of learning, every skill on IXL was designed to make kids' minds come alive. They approach each math topic from every angle, appealing to the right and the left brain, offering visual representations, word problems, interactive activities, and more. By the time children have mastered a skill, their understanding of that concept is real.
My Thoughts: I think IXL would be great as either the sole math curriculum or along side your current curriculum. Personally, I could see us using it along side what we currently use. If Funny Bunny has a problem in a certain area, I could simply find that topic and have her practice.
I like that the children receive awards and are working towards revealing all of their prizes. That of course, was my daughter's favorite part. I also like the reporting function for the parents.
Many math programs out there run around $100 or more, and that is for just one child, so if you have several children who are at different levels, this may be cost effective for your family.
Thoughts of a 9-Year Old: The best part is that you can earn virtual prizes. These are the prizes you earn after each round of practicing. I have earned a stagecoach, a camel, a lasso, and a star so far. You also have an avatar and you can change your avatar to any one of your prizes! For instance, I changed my avatar to the camel I earned. Overall it was OK.
Find Out More: You can find out more online at IXL.com. A family membership is either $9.95 a month or $79 for a year. Each additional child costs $2/month or $20/year. IXL is being used in more than 150 countries around the world, and for the United States, you can view the state standards for every state.
My Crewmates are also talking about IXL, so you can check out what they think about it HERE.
Disclaimer: This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
And the Fern Valley Winner Is...
Comment #22: Kristie
Follow with GFC. Kristie Donelson
I used Random.org to pick the winner and I have already notified her via email.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Fern Valley Giveaway via Our Homeschool Reviews and thanks again to Aileen for allowing me to offer this great product!
I used Random.org to pick the winner and I have already notified her via email.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Fern Valley Giveaway via Our Homeschool Reviews and thanks again to Aileen for allowing me to offer this great product!
I Could Use Your Vote!
Just a reminder that I've been nominated for the Circle of Moms Top 25 Homeschooling Blogs!! If you would like to vote for me you can vote up to once every 24 hours through June 27th, 2012.
Just click the button above and it will take you to their voting page. I'm currently holding around #15.
Thanks for the nomination and the votes!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Eversave: Magazine Subscription only $10
Funny Bunny has been reading National Wildlife Federation magazines for several years now. She started with Big Backyard and now reads Ranger Rick. One-year subscriptions normally sell for $19.95 and you can sometimes find a deal for $14.95, but right now on Eversave you can get a one-year subscription for just $10! It's the best deal I have seen!
Creation Illustrated Review
There are so many magazines available for children today. Many have great educational value and I know my daughter has a few favorites. Creation Illustrated is different though, and is a magazine that I have been wanting to take a look at for a while now.
Creation Illustrated is published quarterly (beginning in Fall 1993) as a private, nonprofit, non-denominationally owned ministry dedicated to the eternal impact of sharing Biblical truth through the blessings of God's creation.
Tom and Jennifer's story is really wonderful and you can read more about it here.
We received the following four magazines: Summer 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, and Winter 2012.
My Thoughts: I just can't say enough about Creation Illustrated! The pictures are beautiful, stories meaningful, and it is all for the glorification of God. And what is wonderful is that both adults and children alike will enjoy it.
Thoughts of a 9-Year Old: I think Creation Illustrated magazines are wonderful. My favorite story is Alert and Agile [found in fall 2011] which is about pronghorn goats. The pics are fab and there are cool facts about them. There's even a photo shoot contest and every issue has that season's winner[s]! The best part though is that the whole entire magazine is based on God! Every article has a phrase, for instance [the phrase in the pronghorn goat article]: "Like the pronghorn, Christians need to be alert and watchful for dangers. The apostle Peter tells us to keep watch for the devil so we will not be deceived [1 Peter 5:8] in order to avoid his many forms of deception..." This magazine has not only wonderful stories, but beautiful pictures as well. An enchanting magazine!
Find Out More: You can find out more online at Creation Illustrated. A one year subscription is $19.99, two years are $37.95, and you can get three years for $53.95. Even better, if you pay with a credit card, you can get $5 off per year, making a three year subscription only $38.95 (which is just $12.98 per year). Want to try before you buy? You can get a Free Issue as part of a subscription offer.
My Crewmates are also talking about Creation Illustrated, so you can check out what they think about it HERE.
Disclaimer: This product was given to Our Homeschool Reviews for free for review purposes, and I do not have to return the product to the vendor. I have received no compensation from it and all opinions and experiences within this review are my own.
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